Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Dawn Chorus...

There are certain magical moments that stir the soul forever and the Jersey Dawn Chorus is one such moment...

On Sunday, the alarm went off at 4.00am and after quickly dressing in the dark and making a flask of hot peppermint tea, I climbed into the car and made the magical journey down to St Catherine's breakwater...

As I grew closer to the bay, I came across other early morning souls heading in the same direction and as we parked and jumped out of our cars, there was an instant sense of magical camaraderie - a gathering of souls armed with blankets, flasks and rugs, all ready to walk the pier's length and witness the year's most inspiring sunrise!

By 4.30am over 400 souls had gathered at the end of the pier where a grand piano stood.
As the clouds began to break and the sun streaked across the sky, the 4 members of Diva Opera performed an hour long performance of such beauty and strength against the most dramatic backdrop.

With a standing ovation and over 400 hearts filled with dawn inspiration, we all headed up to the cafe and sat sipping mugs of hot tea whilst discussing just how wonderful it is to be alive!

It is in moments like these that you feel the immense power of nature and an overwhelming sense of gratitude for life and all its beauty...
My life is so blessed!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you had a great morning, there are so many people to thank for all the hard work they put in very early in the morning to make it all happen, they know who they are . . . .

Kind comments such as those on you Blog make all that work worth doing.

Steven Edwards (Jersey Arts Centre)