Thursday, October 25, 2007

Ann Morgan - Goddess & Artist Sublime!

I have been waiting all year for next Monday's big event...Ann Morgan's One-Woman Show at Studio 18 opens its doors to the public and I just cannot wait!

For those of you unfamiliar with Ann's work, The Spiral Blog has been gifted with a few sneak preview photos of Monday's magic and as you can see, it is the most vibrantly soul-inspiring work ever!

Dramatic cliff drops, enticing seas, mysterious and powerful plays of light all burst off the canvas in the most vibrant collection of colour and oils...

I cannot think of a more inspiring start to the week, so if you are free on Monday 29th October, do pop down to the opening of 'Surface Light' at Studio 18, 23a Beresford Street, St Helier, 5.30 - 7.30pm and breathe in the beauty and colours of Jersey's coastline... Spiral

Monday, October 22, 2007

Autumn Magic...

Autumn is always a time of great change...a time of reflection and a time of release. A time of letting go and trusting...a time to go within and nurture the body, mind and soul.

As nature around us releases its leaves and seeds, I am reminded that for us to grow, we need to be prepared to release the old and let go for new life to flourish. In order for the cycle of life to continue, the trees around us release acorns, conkers, chestnuts and in that very act of releasing, they plant new seeds and the promise of new growth and new life fills the air.

So why is it, as humans, we fight the cycles and rhythms of change that continually move through our lives? Why do we fight the body's urge to move in new directions? Why do we hold on to aspects of our lives that no longer serve us or bring us joy? Why do we fight the very cycles of change that keep us feeling alive and awake in life? Why do we ignore the body's urge to rest and recharge?

To let go is to trust that as we let go of one thing, another will appear to fill its place and that the new will be better than that we have released...To trust is to believe.

So I invite you to take a walk in nature and breathe in the Autumn air. Listen to nature in all its wisdom. Observe the changing colours, collect some fallen leaves, roast some chestnuts and think about all you are ready to release in your life, to invite in the new.

Make time to meditate, to listen to your body and hear the messages of your soul. Ask yourself 'What does it mean to be alive?' and create space in your life for the answers...

Sarah Spiral

Monday, October 15, 2007

Blog Action Day...Pesticide Action

On Blog Action Day participants around the world unite to write about one issue...THE ENVIRONMENT. The Spiral Tree has chosen a topic relevant to all...

What is the real cost of clothing?

Pesticides used in conventional cotton production kill an estimated 20,000 farmers a year, and drive 100,000 others to suicide (*Figures from the World Health Organisation*).

This isn’t something happening on the other side of the world that has nothing to do with us. This is the cotton that is used to make the clothes we buy without thinking on the High Street. Making a few conscious consumer choices you can help reduce the real cost of clothing...

In 2001 Safia Minney launched the fair trade clothing company People Tree...and I have been accompanying its development with admiration ever since.

People Tree's aim is to use fashion as a tool to help the world's most marginalised people. They work closely with producers and designers to ensure that, not only are all their clothes beautifully crafted, but as many jobs are created as possible so people in developing countries can work their way out of poverty.

People Tree strive to protect the environment that its partners live in – doing everything as ecologically as possible, buying Fair Trade, organic cotton, using Fair Trade weavers, tailors, embroiderers...In fact every part of the process through the whole supply chain is under scrutiny to ensure it meets Fair Trade standards and is ecologically sound. That is why People Tree are recognised the pioneers of Fair Trade fashion.

For further information on People Tree and cotton farming click here.

Choice is a powerful weapon...use yours to make a difference.


Blog Action Day 2007

15th October is Blog Action Day...

Friday, October 12, 2007

Blog Action Day...15th October

15th October is Blog Action Day...

On Monday October 15th, bloggers around the web will unite to put a single important issue on everyone’s mind - the environment. Every blogger will post about the environment in their own way and relating to their own topic. The aim is to get everyone talking towards a better future...

The Spiral Tree has pledged its participation to Blog Action Day - watch this space for up-and-coming environmental news and articles...


Bloggers Unite - Blog Action Day

Saturday, October 6, 2007


Autumn is here - hooray - and The Spiral Blog is launched...creative musings, photos and thoughts all coming this way!

The last few months have taken me to London, Brighton and Barcelona (click here to see PHOTOS) and coming back to Jersey I realise once again just how lucky we are to live in such a tranquil place, surrounded by the ocean and immersed in nature...and this time of year is just magical!

Mooching around Barcelona (and for those of you from the US, let me point out that by 'mooching' I mean 'exploring' as I know that in the US it means something completely different!) I found a new passion...Gaudi! The more of his projects I visited and the more I learnt about Gaudi as a person, the more intrigued and enamored of his work I became - in fact Aninha and I rapidly became Gaudi Groupies as we discovered that all his shapes and designs were inspired by forms in nature. Stepping into one of his buildings felt like entering a magical world, where the smooth, flowing walls, rounded designs and bright splashes of colour brought an overwhelming sense of calm and awe and also the feeling that one was actually inside an organic, living structure - the buildings felt alive - like large, peaceful creatures!
No harsh corners, no 90 degree angles, but carefully thought out pieces of living art, an expression of the deep respect and love the architect felt for the natural world that fascinated him so. Each new building was a uniquely profound experience and a haven of calm from the hectic city life outside.

Nature and our connection to the world around us are passionate themes that flow through all of my work and the courses I teach, hence the deep respect I feel for Gaudi.
Soul Coaching Programmes guide participants through weekly themes of self-discovery, as they explore themselves and the world they live in through the 4 elements of Air - Water - Fire - Earth, which in turn reflect the Mental, Emotional, Spiritual and Physical aspects of their 'selves'. The journey is profound, the discoveries enlightening and the transformations life-changing as a vibrant awareness of 'self' and admiration for nature in all its forms is awakened.
Meditation & Relaxation Courses nurture a deeper understanding of the body and mind, whilst awakening an awareness of the cycles and rhythms that move within us and the world around us. Meditation is a that leads us to connect with our true selves and the world we live in through the breath. We draw the outer world into our inner world through the breath.

Nature is our greatest teacher...and with these thoughts in mind, I leave you here and invite you to join in the October Poll and tell me what you love most about Autumn!

Wishing you all a Wonder-filled Week ahead
Sarah Spiral