Saturday, June 7, 2008

India...Journey to the Sacred Feminine

Certain journeys are impossible to express in words...and this is how I have felt about my trip to India, leaving most of my friends a little puzzled and bemused about the whole trip.
I had always felt that India would call to me when the time had come for me to visit and I can honestly say that I am glad I waited, for this was one of the most deeply transformational experiences of my life - a journey that led me to reconnect with all I consider sacred within me and the sacred feminine that dwells within all.

As my journey began to unfold, I found myself being led across southern India to meet with such divine female beings as Amma, Shiva Shakti, Mother Meera and also connect with the ashram and township created by 'The Mother' and with each new day I felt my heart and soul blossoming, opening, smiling, laughing, loving, living, rejoicing...I felt so awake, aware and alive as if every pore of my body had begun to sing!

Some journeys are outward journeys...ones that explore and admire historical and cultural sights, landscapes and views. Mine was an inward that awakened every cell within my being and sent a 'zing' of life throughout my entire body, mind and soul. I began to smile more and more each day until I found myself smiling constantly, beaming at everyone that passed me (I'm sure I was even smiling in my sleep!) and with each new day I felt the most powerful sense of joy and excitement at being alive.

I lost all track of time and had no idea what day of the week it was...each day was 'a new day', not a Monday or a Thursday; I met the children and women supported by the Rubybleu foundation; I hired a moped and felt the freedom of an early dawn mist flying through my hair; I blessed every meal and took time to honour the Earth for each morsel of food I ate; I received a Shambalah reiki initiation on a candlelit rooftop; I journalled and created collages in my travelling sketchbook; I watched life and absorbed India through every breath; I witnessed 1000s of people circumnavigating Arunchala mountain barefoot on full moon night; I saw shrines and temples ablaze with colour, oil lamps, flowers and incense; I walked the Holy Mountain of Shiva at sunrise; I admired the beauty and grace of the Indian women; I marvelled at the sacred and intricate 'kolam' drawings created each morning on the red earth; I felt the silence of prayer and the stillness of meditation; I felt the magic and sacredness of a 'puja' at sunrise; I watched wild elephants grazing at sunset; I ate off banana leaves and spooned food with my fingers; I felt the dance of life move through me and shake me; I laughed out loud and celebrated life; I sent prayers of gratitude for my life...all this and India!

Every moment was a photo waiting to be taken, however I reached a point where I decided to watch, learn, observe and absorb and therefore took only a fraction of the photos I could have are a few for all those wishing for further glimpses of this magical journey:

Spiral x

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