Monday, October 22, 2007

Autumn Magic...

Autumn is always a time of great change...a time of reflection and a time of release. A time of letting go and trusting...a time to go within and nurture the body, mind and soul.

As nature around us releases its leaves and seeds, I am reminded that for us to grow, we need to be prepared to release the old and let go for new life to flourish. In order for the cycle of life to continue, the trees around us release acorns, conkers, chestnuts and in that very act of releasing, they plant new seeds and the promise of new growth and new life fills the air.

So why is it, as humans, we fight the cycles and rhythms of change that continually move through our lives? Why do we fight the body's urge to move in new directions? Why do we hold on to aspects of our lives that no longer serve us or bring us joy? Why do we fight the very cycles of change that keep us feeling alive and awake in life? Why do we ignore the body's urge to rest and recharge?

To let go is to trust that as we let go of one thing, another will appear to fill its place and that the new will be better than that we have released...To trust is to believe.

So I invite you to take a walk in nature and breathe in the Autumn air. Listen to nature in all its wisdom. Observe the changing colours, collect some fallen leaves, roast some chestnuts and think about all you are ready to release in your life, to invite in the new.

Make time to meditate, to listen to your body and hear the messages of your soul. Ask yourself 'What does it mean to be alive?' and create space in your life for the answers...

Sarah Spiral

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